Tips For Truckers

white truck on a parking

Choosing Between Recaps and 34-Hour Resets: Deciding Your Rest Strategy

If you’ve been driving a truck for any length of time, you’re probably familiar with the concepts of recaps and 34-hour resets. However, we’re often still overrun with questions like, “how long do truck drivers have to rest,” and “how long can truck drivers drive without rest?” In this article, we’ll take a closer look …

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security cameras

How to Defend Your Truck Against Cargo Theft at the Truck Parking Lot

Cargo theft has long been a pressing issue for the wider trucking industry, often resulting in notable losses and huge operational disruptions. Last year alone, an alarming $44 million of cargo theft was recorded – and not for the whole of 2023 but for a single quarter. While attention to detail and good old-fashioned common …

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