How to Make Your Truck Parking Lot Eco-Friendly

green parking lot

Over the last few decades, the reality of climate change and global warming has sunk in. People and businesses everywhere are slowly realizing that they need to contribute towards positive environmental change.

The trucking industry is no exception, and efforts to make it more green have led to terms like “eco-friendly parking lot” and “sustainable truck parking lot.” In this article, we’ll discuss some of the steps you can take to make your lot a greener place. Let’s take a look at how to create a green and sustainable parking lot.

How to Create an Eco-Friendly Truck Parking Lot

Choose Your Paint Wisely

Painting your truck parking lot is essential. WIthout appropriate markings and demarcations, you’d have chaos and likely see a fair number of accidents.

However, if you use the wrong type of paint, it can have a disastrous effect on the environment. That’s why it’s so important to choose an environmentally conscious paint brand.

Paints are some of the most common types of air pollutants, and may contain an array of different atoxic gases. Some of the most common include Volatile Organic Compounds (which have a fairly disastrous effect on the environment). Glycol, ammonia, and xylene are just a few examples of VOCs.

The best way to paint a sustainable parking lot for trucks is to use biodegradable paint. These paints typically contain little to no VOCs and exclude most other noxious gases. They’re typically also non-toxic, meaning they won’t poison any nearby habitats or water sources. 

These paints usually consist of natural materials, so they may need to be applied more regularly. Alternatively, you can seal them with a safe, non-toxic sealant to ensure that they give you the longevity you need.

Incorporate Vegetation Into Your Truck Parking Lot

One of the big problems with unsustainable truck parking lots is that they consist almost entirely of concrete, cement, and tarmac. As a result, they are unable to process any of the greenhouse gases produced by the trucks.

They also become “heat sinks,” where the heat becomes trapped and doesn’t easily go through the natural cycle of heating and cooling.

One way to alleviate these effects is to incorporate trees and other vegetation into the parking lot design. For instance, you could plant a tree every 15 meters or so. Not only will the trees help process and eliminate some of the carbon dioxide created by the trucks, but they’ll also sequester carbon in the soil.

Of course, the design for the tree planters has to be well-planned to ensure that tree roots don’t lift your tarmac. Alternatively, you can opt for small tree species or large bushes instead.

Another idea is to separate different areas of your sustainable parking lot with large planters, which you can fill with small bushes, shrubs, or flowers.

Water Management is Key  

People often don’t put much thought into water management when planning a commercial space, but water is one of our most valuable commodities. If you want to have a sustainable truck parking lot, having a thorough plan for managing water is essential.

Rainfall may be severe in some areas, and badly planned water flow may lead to erosion, standing water, and other undesirable outcomes. For this reason, you need to pay careful attention to water management. There are key ways of doing this in an eco-friendly truck parking lot.

The first is directing stormwater runoff well. Knowing where to send stormwater is vital. You want to avoid erosion and preferably avoid directing water away from natural watercourses. Consider speaking to a consultant in your area who can tell you which way is best to direct the water.

The second is using a permeable driving surface. There are two possibilities in this regard. 

The first is to use pervious or permeable concrete. This material is suitable even for the heavy use encountered in truck parking lots, but it doesn’t keep all the water in one place. Instead, it allows water to slowly filter through into the soil below. This helps to ensure that groundwater aquifers get fed with rainwater and keeps your parking lot nice and dry.

Permeable pavers are another option with similar benefits. The only difference is that your sustainable truck parking lot will then consist of thousands of individual pavers rather than one sheet of material.

Final Thoughts

It is entirely possible to have a positive impact on the environment, even as the owner of a truck parking lot. Eco-friendly truck parking lots are an excellent way to lower your carbon footprint while still earning an income through the trucking industry.

And you don’t have to break the bank either. Many of the steps highlighted in this article are fairly cost-effective, making it easier to go green. 

Do you already have a sustainable truck parking lot? Are you looking for more clientele? Consider registering with Truck Parking Club to make your lot accessible to thousands of truck drivers nationwide.

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