How Florida Is Addressing the Truck Parking Shortage: Recent Expansions, Developments, and Solutions

Semi truck parked next to palm trees

The national truck parking shortage has led to an array of different challenges and intuitive solutions. Many changes have been implemented in Florida to help mitigate the effects. Below, we’ll take a closer look at some specific actions that have been implemented. 

The Truck Parking Availability System (TPAS)

The Truck Parking Availability System, or TPAS, is a significant new implementation along certain interstates in Florida. The Florida Department of Transport, or FDoT, is spearheading this initiative in an effort to help truck drivers have up-to-date information regarding parking availability.

Significant improvement has been made in states like Texas, where this system has already been implemented. But what is TPAS, and how does it work?

TPAS is an as-it-happens update system that tracks available truck parking and transmits this information to truck drivers and other interested parties. This makes it considerably easier for drivers to keep track of available parking spaces.

The system uses sensors placed in parking spaces at parking lots and rest stops to accurately determine the number of spaces available. As a result, truckers across the nation can safely and easily navigate routes and easily access rest stops when they need them.

According to the Florida Department of Transport, the implementation of the TPAS system will be a three-part process.

They’ll be implementing the technology at state-owned facilities, which will then give them the data they need to accurately assess truck parking availability (and share it with truck drivers and other stakeholders). They’ll also use this information to accurately predict and analyze future parking availability.

900+ New Parking Spaces  

Florida government has also promised to produce at least 900 new parking spaces along Central Florida’s Interstate 4. This will go a long way toward reducing pressure on the already overburdened transportation industry in the state.

EV Charging

Many of the new truck parking facilities will also incorporate electric vehicle charging ports. This will help to lighten the environmental impact of the trucking industry in the state while simultaneously helping to ease pressure on the petroleum industry. 

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Another relevant aspect of the attempt to add at least 900 additional truck parking spaces is the influx of funds from the bipartisan infrastructure law. This law is funnelling an additional $180,000,000 towards the problem of truck parking shortages in Florida.

This shows how resolved the government is to tackle Florida’s parking issues. The $180 million is just a portion of nearly $5 billion earmarked for transportation projects.

Incorporating Private Parking Locations

Florida’s government has seen the need for significant parking expansion in the state, and therefore aims to incorporate more private parking locations. Doing so can have a significant impact on the amount of parking available.

Tools like Truck Parking Club are one way to keep track of how many parkings are available at these new private locations. Get easy and immediate access to a list of parking spots available in your area.

Significance of these Developments

The truck parking shortage has been an ongoing problem throughout much of the United States. At the same time, however, truck drivers need to adhere to Hours of Service regulations. 

This means that they often have to stop in places that were not designed as truck rest areas. Some drivers may even park illegally on road shoulders in order to adhere to their Hours of Service requirements.

This new system of management TPAS will allow drivers to know in advance where there’s space available for them to park at a designated resting area. By cutting down on the number of truck drivers parking on road shoulders and in other illegal areas, these developments will make roads safer.

Easier access to information about where truck parking is available will also help to ensure that truck drivers can move through their routes faster. This will help improve delivery times for just-in-time deliveries, among other things.

By incorporating this new technology, there will be one other significant change. Instead of having some truck parking stops filled to overflow while others are underutilized, drivers will know exactly where there’s space for them. This should mean that all parking stops are used equally, easing pressure on overburdened stops and cutting down on wait times.

Final Thoughts

Whether you consider the addition of the Truck Parking Availability System, the addition of over 900 new truck parking spaces, or the large investment made by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, truck parking in Florida is moving in the right direction.

That doesn’t mean you can’t help improve your chances even more, though. As a truck driver, you can quickly and easily register with Truck Parking Club.

As a property owner, you can register your land and make it available as a truck parking area. This can help alleviate the strain on an already strained truck parking system.

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