Truck Parking Trends: Predicting the Future of the Trucking Industry

huge blue truck with cargo

Imagine you had a pretty grueling day at work – a full 12 hours in the office, factory, store, or wherever – before driving home, ready for a well-earned rest. You can’t wait. You earned it. 

Now imagine arriving home only to find your driveway full of other cars. Not an inch of space to park. Worse still, so is the entire street, which is nose-to-tail full. The entire neighborhood, in fact, is crammed full of vehicles, all parked for the evening. 

Tired and hungry, you aimlessly drive around, hoping to find a space. Endlessly circling the neighborhood, you beg the parking gods for a spot to magically appear just so you can park and start your evening.

If you fail to find a spot in the next 30 minutes, inexplicably, the authorities will fine you anything from $ 1,000 to $16,000. And if the same thing happens tomorrow, another fine. If you make a habit of this, they might even stop you from working at all. But still, you can’t find a space. 

It would be quite a frustrating, anxiety-ridden end to the day, wouldn’t it? You would probably feel as though you deserve more. That after such a tough day, you had at least earned the right to park the car, eat, and sleep. 

Daily Scenario

For thousands of American truck drivers, that scenario is a very real, daily event, and the problem is only getting worse. 

Not too long ago, OTR truck drivers could pull into a rest area or truck stop at the end of a busy day, unannounced, and park without any issue. These days, finding a truck parking spot has become extremely problematic. 

The fact is, rest areas and truck stops all over the country are brimming with parked trucks, and tired truckers are bearing the brunt of an industry that is changing. There are more OTR trucks than ever, driver regulations are tightening, and no parking spaces are being created to compensate. 

Current Parking Situation

Drivers must park their trucks for the evening before a 14-hour time limit is exceeded, and if they don’t, they are faced with those huge fines we mentioned earlier. With limited parking available and the clock ticking, it is not uncommon to see truckers parked on vulnerable off-ramps, or potentially dangerous urban public lots.

The main cause of this issue owes to an outdated infrastructure coupled with a lack of investment in parking. With authorities further restricting where trucks can park and rising salaries fueling more new truck drivers, the parking options are becoming even fewer. 

The Future of Truck Parking

While we wait for the government to address the issue, technology is plugging the gap in the form of real-time truck parking apps, which aim to reduce the tedious searches for a spot and negate the risks of unplanned stops (more on that towards the end of this article). 

Technology aside, there really isn’t very much being done to address the issue apart from the following:

Federal Efforts

The federal government is finally beginning to roll up its sleeves, slowly but surely. With the launch of a new pilot program, there’s an active effort to assess potential areas along highways most starved for parking. We can only hope that it isn’t too little, too late. And we can only pray it doesn’t take them too long. Unfortunately, it probably will. 

Self-Driving Vehicles

Looking further into the future, autonomous vehicles seem almost inevitable and will probably become a reality far quicker than we currently imagine. While their widespread adoption might still be a good few years away, their potential to continuously operate without set breaks offers a partial solution for truck parking challenges. 

Commercial Hubs

Problem-solving concepts like dedicated overnight delivery hubs offer a twofold solution for truckers: a place to collect and deliver cargo while resting for the evening if needed. While more distribution centers are offering this service, to call this a solution of any real value would be clutching at straws a little.

Either way, none of this really helps truck drivers right at this very moment. Unless, of course, they are using Truck Parking Club as a solution. 

Unfamiliar with Truck Parking Club? Let’s take a look. If you are a truck driver, you almost certainly need to read this. 

The Future Is Here

We have created a world where every vacant property can become a convenient place for tired truckers. A world in which every landowner can contribute to solving the truck parking dilemma – while also benefiting monetarily. 

At Truck Parking Club, truckers can use our app to find spaces in real-time, wherever they happen to be in the country. It is revolutionizing parking – and it is surprisingly affordable.

Let’s take a look at how you, as a trucker, can join this revolution. Fortunately, there isn’t much to tell you – the whole process is so simple and straightforward, it is almost effortless. 

How It Works

For Landowners: Sign up, list your property, and turn your spare land into an income source by hosting truckers.

For Truckers: Create an account (it takes under a minute) and find an entire nation of safe, comfortable parking spots, most of which offer various amenities. Never worry about finding a spot again – just open the app, search by location, and pay for your spot. 

This system is simple, effective, safe, and great value.

Discover and List Locations

Landowners: Add your location to our extensive nationwide list of parking spots. Our app will handle all bookings and notify you when one has been made. 

Truckers: View and book spaces in real-time or even up to a whole month in advance. Your days of endlessly circling parking lots are a thing of the past. You are now part of the Truck Parking Club revolution.

Bookings & Parking:

Landowners: Stay updated with real-time notifications for every booking. You will know when the driver is arriving. Communicate any information to the driver through the app.

Truckers: Once you’ve booked, chat with your host (if you wish to) about any specifics to your parking. Our team is just one call away to assist you if needed. 

That’s all there is to it. We didn’t just revolutionize parking. We made the process laughably simple, too. 

Bottom Line

Spare a thought for the truck driver. For decades, they have been thundering along the highways of this great nation, quietly ensuring our essentials are distributed. The least we can hope is that they get a decent night’s rest, ready for the next few hundred kilometers of trucking. 

For now, if you are curious what the future of truck parking looks like, just know this: 

It’s already here. 

The future is Truck Parking Club.

The information published herein is for general informational purposes only. Truck Parking Club does not make any representations or warranties about the completeness, reliability, legality, and accuracy of this information. Any reliance placed on such material is strictly at the user’s own risk. Truck Parking Club shall not be responsible for any losses or damages incurred in connection with the information published herein.