Georgia Close to Passing a Bill that Addresses Truck Parking

semi truck on the highway

The lack of truck parking spaces remains a significant issue nationwide. For many years, the government neglected this issue, leading to a nationwide truck parking shortage that disrupted supply chains and decreased road safety

The past few years have seen a change, though, with more and more states introducing bills and solutions aimed at resolving the truck parking issue. The latest of such states is Georgia.

New Truck Parking Legislation in Georgia

A bill has reached the governor’s desk in Georgia proposing a statewide freight and logistics implementation plan. This 20-year plan requires annual legislative updates, focusing on projects like road widening, intermodal capacity improvements, and commercial vehicle parking and safety enhancements.

This legislation hasn’t come from anywhere, though. In 2023, the Georgia Senate formed a study committee recommending expanding truck parking facilities and managing unauthorized parking. 

These recommendations were shaped by hearings that examined the broader economic impacts of trucking issues.

The new truck parking bill directly results from these recommendations, receiving overwhelming support in the Georgia Senate (45-1) and unanimous consent in the House.

OOIDA Support

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) supports the bill, emphasizing the need for safe truck parking to improve road safety. 

They point out the current practice of truck drivers parking on road shoulders and ramps due to a lack of regulated parking spaces.

Doug Morris, the OOIDA Director of State Government Affairs, emphasized that it’s time for states such as Georgia to create more space and pavement to accommodate additional truck parking. 

New York and New Jersey to Follow Georgia’s Example

New Jersey is considering a bill to require adequate onsite parking for tractor-trailers at large warehouse developments. New York has bills proposing increased fines for unauthorized truck parking in the city, aiming to manage the scarcity and misuse of parking spaces.

Will This Be Enough?

Are these bills enough to solve the ongoing truck parking crisis? Only time will tell, but it’s definitely a step in the right direction. It shows that the government has finally noticed this issue, which is undoubtedly a positive change. 

For now, though, truck parking remains the #1 issue for drivers. And whether you’re looking for truck parking in Georgia or any other state, Truck Parking Club is here to help. 

Focused on helping provide truckers with more parking spots, Truck Parking Club connects drivers with landowners seeking an effective way to monetize their vacant properties. 


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