How to Pay Less for Truck Parking: Tips and Tricks for Truckers

As a truck driver, you know that parking can get expensive, especially in high-traffic areas – not to mention that it often takes time before you’re even able to find an empty parking spot for you to rest, as many drivers reserve spots days, if not weeks in advance.

red volvo truck

However, there are some ways to help you save money on truck parking. 

And while they might not work 100% of the time, there’s still a good chance you’ll be able to save some in the long run.

How Much Does Truck Parking Cost? 

There are several factors that influence how much truck parking will cost you, including the time of day, geographical location (parking in urban areas tends to be more expensive than in rural areas), and demand. 

In general, you should expect to pay between $10 and $20, with some parking lots charging as much as $40. 

If a parking location offers additional services, such as electrical hookups, or if you need a late checkout, in case you want to leave the parking spot later but don’t want to pay another daily fee, you might have to pay extra for them – although this isn’t a rule and often depends on the specific parking facility. 

Tips and Tricks for Truckers to Save Money on Parking

As mentioned, there’s no guarantee that the tricks we share will work every time – however, there’s no harm in trying, is there? So, what can you, as a driver, do to pay a little less for parking? 

Do Your Research In Advance 

Affordable parking spaces often tend to be reserved well in advance, which is why if you want to save money, it’s best to do so too. However, you can’t book a spot if you don’t even know where to look, which is why the most important thing that can help you save money on parking is doing research before hitting the road

Don’t wait to find an empty parking space once you’re close to exceeding your HOS. Not only will you be forced to park on the next available spot, which, depending on the location, can prove to be expensive, but if you’re unable to find it before you go over your hours of service, you’re also risking getting a decently-sized fine. If it happens a few times, it might actually affect your company’s CSA (compliance, safety and accountability) score. 

Use Apps to Help You Find Parking 

Technology is supposed to make your life easier, and it can do the same for truck drivers looking for low-cost parking options, so why not take advantage of it? 

Our very own Truck Parking Club app is a great choice for that, and with how straightforward the signing-up process is, you can start looking for a parking spot almost right away. 

Thanks to the app, you can find the nearest available parking places and find information about the available amenities they offer, as well as the pricing, allowing you to compare them and decide which one suits not only your budget but also your needs the best. 

If you already know a space you’d like to park at but aren’t sure if there are any available spots, and you don’t want to go there only to be met with not even one space available, our app can help you with that as well. 

Knowing where to go from the start instead of driving around aimlessly can help you save money on gas, making the overall cost of finding parking that much lower. All it takes to start is creating a free Trucker Member account!

Avoid High-Traffic Areas 

Not all truck parking lots are created equal, and the pricing can vary significantly depending on where you decide to park. For example, parking in high-traffic areas with high population densities, such as cities, can often be more expensive than parking in less-populated places. 

The same goes for states. Depending on your route, you might cross state lines, and it’s no secret that some states are more expensive than others, and the same goes for their parking costs. For instance, you’re probably going to pay more for parking in California than you would in Arizona. New York might also be more expensive compared to Pennsylvania. 

Look for Discounts and Loyalty Programs 

Some truck parking facilities might offer discounts to those who buy petrol from their gas station or buy things from their stores. There might also be loyalty programs available for drivers who frequently book specific locations. 

The rewards you get for participating in them vary, with some offering only partial discounts, while others allow you to collect points and waive the parking fee completely once you collect enough of them. 

Consider Long-Term Parking Options 

If you’re frequently doing the same route, you should consider renting the truck parking space for a longer period of time than just one day – for example, for a week or a month. In some cases, drivers who book the truck or semi-truck parking spot long-term are offered more competitive rates, saving money in the long run despite the higher initial cost. 

The Bottom Line 

As you can see, there are quite a few things that might be able to help you save some money on truck parking. Will they work every time? There’s no guarantee. Still, you won’t know until you try, so why give it a go anyway? The worst that can happen is that you’ll pay full price, which you’d already be doing without our tips. 

At Truck Parking Club, we understand the need for affordable and available parking, which is why we created an app that gives you all the information you need to find one in your area. With just a few clicks, you can find a place to rest and get well-rested before you hit the road again. 
Have any questions or problems? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us by calling our 24/7/365 phone number (888) 899-7275 or using our online contact form. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

The information published herein is for general informational purposes only. Truck Parking Club does not make any representations or warranties about the completeness, reliability, legality, and accuracy of this information. Any reliance placed on such material is strictly at the user’s own risk. Truck Parking Club shall not be responsible for any losses or damages incurred in connection with the information published herein.