Must-Know Semi-Truck Parking Laws for Truckers

image of a rulebook spread open

Familiarity with semi-truck parking laws and regulations is important for truck drivers to stay safe and comply with the law. 

The problem is that no single publication consolidates all semi-truck parking laws in the United States. They vary depending on federal and state guidelines, meaning various laws and regulations are spread throughout different sources.

If you have a spare day or two, an unlimited supply of turbo-strength coffee, and possibly even a couple of toothpicks to keep your eyes wedged open, you are more than welcome to research the ‘official’ truck parking laws by wading through the FMCSA and NHTSA websites, in addition to a whole bunch of local sources.

If that doesn’t sound like a potentially joyful experience, we have a much better idea. Instead of typing out several long, arduous, sleep-inducing pages of text relating to semi-truck parking laws, we will present the most salient parts in a friendly, easy-to-digest, jargon-free FAQ format. 

In other words, these are the main parking FAQs for your average semi-truck driver. Let’s get to it, starting with the most recent law change about HOS.

What Are the Hours-of-Service Regulations for Semi-Truck Parking?

Semi-truck drivers can drive up to 11 hours after a 10-hour rest but not beyond 14 hours after starting duty. Rest breaks are required if more than 8 hours have passed since their last break. Weekly, drivers can’t exceed 60 hours in 7 days or 70 hours in 8 days, resettable by a 34-hour rest period.

Can I Park My Semi-Truck in Residential Areas?

Parking a semi-truck in residential areas is restricted. These zones often prohibit or limit the time a large commercial vehicle like a semi-truck can park, mainly to ensure neighborhood safety and reduce congestion.

What Should I Know About Parking at Rest Areas?

Designated rest areas are a requirement for long-haul drivers (although spaces are exceedingly hard to find these days). While these areas offer a space to rest, specific rules govern their use, such as time limits for parking to ensure availability for other drivers.

Can I Park in Public Spaces?

Many public spaces, including truck stops and highway rest areas, have maximum parking durations. Exceeding these limits can result in fines, depending on the area and rules of each truck stop.

What Are the Weight and Size Limits for Semi Truck Parking?

Truck dimensions, including weight and size, determine parking rules, while larger trucks may face restrictions in certain areas due to their size.

What Are the Hazardous Material Transport Parking Laws?

Trucks carrying hazardous materials have specific safety-related parking regulations. Those regulations differ by state – seek compliance with local authorities for further information.

Are There Any Time-of-Day Restrictions for Semi Truck Parking?

Some areas have time-specific parking regulations, including night curfews or daytime-only parking for semi trucks. Always check local rules.

What About Semi Truck Parking on Private Property?

When parking on private property, obtaining permission from the property owner is mandatory – failure to do so can result in trespassing laws being enforced. At the same time, unauthorized parking can also lead to legal issues or vehicle towing.

Can I Use Emergency Shoulders for Parking?

Parking a semi-truck on highway emergency shoulders is generally prohibited unless in an emergency. Obviously, this practice is unsafe and can lead to legal consequences. 

What Are the Street Parking Regulations for Semi Trucks

In urban areas, street parking for semi trucks often has specific restrictions, including designated zones and time limits – check local signage (or consult city ordinances if you have time) to avoid violations.

What About Overnight Parking on Commercial Property?

Truckers sometimes use commercial establishment parking lots for overnight stays. It is necessary to seek permission from the establishment as policies vary, and unauthorized parking might lead to towing or fines, especially in the current climate, as many stores, malls, and casinos have clamped down lately.

Are There Any Weather-Related Parking Restrictions?

Certain regions implement seasonal parking restrictions for semi trucks, particularly during severe weather conditions or snow-prone areas. 

Can I Park Near Residential Areas?

Truckers are faced with strict regulations when parking semi trucks near residential areas. Noise, size, and safety concerns lead many localities to restrict or prohibit such parking. Always verify local ordinances to follow compliance.

What About No-Parking Zones?

No-parking zones are clearly marked and must be strictly followed. Parking in these zones – even on a short basis – can lead to unwanted fines and even impounding of the vehicle, in some cases.

What Are the Best Practices in Emergency Situations?

In emergencies such as mechanical breakdowns, drivers are allowed to park in normally restricted areas, although proper signaling with hazard lights and notifying authorities is recommended to avoid potential penalties.

a highway at night

There Is An Easier Way…

Unfortunately, due to the current truck parking shortage, many drivers are being forced to disregard some of these rules due to a distinct lack of options.

With just one parking space available for every 11 truckers (on average), many drivers are racing against the clock, violating HOS rules, and parking on dangerous shoulders to find good parking spots. 

It doesn’t have to be this way….Join the Truck Parking Club revolution today, and truck parking will become a whole lot easier!

Browse our live listings for convenient private truck parking all over the states through our simple-to-use app, and you will find great parking spots at affordable rates right now! Friendly Property Members, affordable rates, and thousands of parking spots are just a few clicks away, with Truck Parking Club!

The information published herein is for general informational purposes only. Truck Parking Club does not make any representations or warranties about the completeness, reliability, legality, and accuracy of this information. Any reliance placed on such material is strictly at the user’s own risk. Truck Parking Club shall not be responsible for any losses or damages incurred in connection with the information published herein.