Guide to Truck Parking in Texas

The flag of Texas

Texas, the land where everything is bigger. Where oil tycoons hang with cowboys in creaky BBQ shacks. Where football is worshiped, and the music is loved worldwide. Where the history is rich, and endless highways stretch under country skies.

And where truck parking is an absolute living nightmare. 

Given the current national truck parking crisis in which just one parking space is available for every ten trucks on the road, you would imagine a state notorious for doing everything bigger would have adequate truck parking.

But it doesn’t. Texas is actually worse than most other states when it comes to truck parking. 

Trucker Troubles

We love Texas, but the truck parking in this gloriously fun state is almost shameful, given how crucial our truckers are to society and the economy. 

Truckers rolling through the vast lands of Texas frequently find themselves stressed out when it comes to parking their rigs – always with HOS regulations lingering in the back of their minds – as they search high and low for a place to take a legally required eight-hour rest.

And it’s not getting any easier. In fact, truck parking in Texas has grown worse over the last few years, and drivers are struggling because of it.

Stricter Enforcements

Evidence of this is everywhere. Supermarkets, for example, have toughened up in recent times. Truck parking at Walmarts used to be a given, but many store managers have started making truckers quite unwelcome for some reason. Truck stops are far too spread out, and most are rammed-full by late afternoon. The same goes for rest areas.

Local police seem to have gone on a ticketing frenzy, issuing tickets left, right, and center for truckers parked on shoulders, exit ramps, and underpasses. Even the state government has passed a new ordinance, resulting in $500 fines for any truck driver having the nerve to park on abandoned, unused property and lots. 

You read that correctly… Five hundred buckeroos. 

TPC to the Rescue

It isn’t all doom and gloom, however. Those of you who know about Truck Parking Club will know that we are almost single-handedly saving truckers from their parking dramas by ensuring private truck parking all over the Lone Star State at very affordable rates. 

From giant mega lots to small, cozy, private parking owned by commercial landowners, our app ensures truckers are headache-free when it comes to parking their rigs. With Truck Parking Club, finding parking spaces is effortless. Maybe even fun.

More on that later. For now, let’s look at a few tips and ideas to ensure better truck parking in Texas for you.

Planning with Route Optimization

Success with Texas truck parking is all about thinking forward and planning ahead. Making the most of advanced GPS systems designed for trucks will prove helpful as they provide height and weight limits and even suggest truck-friendly routes with available parking lots (although there is no way of knowing if these parking lots are full or not, of course.)
When it comes to parking a truck in Texas, you really need to include parking (or the lack of it) in your daily route planning as a priority. Not just to ensure your drops and pickups are on schedule but also to avoid HOS regulations. Factoring in time spent searching for parking should form a central part of the daily route plan.

a highway in Texas

State Resources

While the state hasn’t been particularly helpful in providing convenient truck parking in Texas, The Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is a wealth of information for truckers and could prove helpful to some degree.

Their resources are handy for locating rest areas, weigh stations, and truck parking facilities across the state, and if you check out the information – either through their website or mobile app – you can get up-to-date details on parking spaces and amenities. 

Online resources are useful, but what the state needs is more physical parking spots – that’s how they can really solve the truck parking issue in Texas. That said, if you have never visited the TxDOT before, you should find the information more helpful than you might imagine.

Staying Informed through Social Media

Social media is far more than just a platform for showing off what you had for lunch – it’s also a very useful tool for truckers on Texan roads.  Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become quite handy for real-time information, as truckers share updates on parking availability, road conditions, and tips for the best rest spots. 

Look out for the online trucker communities and maybe start creating a few alerts relative to the areas you cover. On a good day, you can tap into a fair amount of shared knowledge.

There Is a Better Way

There is one final way to put all of your truck parking issues to rest and never have to worry about truck parking in Texas again: by using the revolutionary Truck Parking Club app.

If you are reading this article and not using Truck Parking Club, you probably should be. Our service is simple, affordable, and helps thousands of truckers all over the country find convenient parking effortlessly.

No more endlessly circling parking lots and truck stops or parking on dangerous highways and exits. No more HOS violations or missed drops. Just lots of great parking for truckers in multiple convenient locations. 

Sign Up Today

Truckers love using our app to find great parking spots, and you will, too. Start by signing up for a free account; it takes seconds. 

You can then browse and book thousands of truck parking spaces all over America. Each listing shows location, parking lot size, amenities, price, and more. 

After booking, you will receive an instant confirmation through the Truck Parking Club app. All you need to do next is arrive and enjoy your overnight rest. We didn’t just make Truck Parking Club affordable. We made it effortless, too.

Come join the truck parking revolution today – you will be glad you did! 

The information published herein is for general informational purposes only. Truck Parking Club does not make any representations or warranties about the completeness, reliability, legality, and accuracy of this information. Any reliance placed on such material is strictly at the user’s own risk. Truck Parking Club shall not be responsible for any losses or damages incurred in connection with the information published herein.