Common Truck Parking Scams & How to Avoid Them

semi truck parked on a-private parking lot

The following statement might sound a little cliched or overly dramatic, but it is with heartfelt sincerity that we say truck drivers are the absolute backbone of our nation. In our eyes, truckers are right up there with nurses, teachers, and firefighters for how essential they are to society.

We really mean it. If it weren’t for our highway’s finest road warriors, the country would grind to a pretty sudden halt. Commerce would cease to exist in the way that we know it currently, as would construction, fuel, groceries, and a whole host of other necessities. 

Truckers face many challenges, often spending large amounts of time away from their loved ones, all whilst under immense pressure as they battle the clock, trying their best to meet hours of service regulations on the one hand and strict delivery schedules on the other.

Highway Hustle

With that in mind, you would imagine truckers are among the last group of people who deserve to be targeted by scammers. As we all know, however, scammers are hardly known for their moral code, and truckers are considered fair game. If anything, they are considered the perfect game, owing to how tired and weary they are half the time.

You might be surprised to know that truckers are scammed pretty regularly, and that is something that we find deeply concerning here at Truck Parking Club HQ. We hate the fact that these hard-working stalwarts of the transport industry are so easily preyed upon. 

To that end, we decided to publish a quick blog post highlighting a few of the common truck driver scams, deceptions, hustles, and swindles. Hopefully, we can save a few newer truck drivers some underserved stress by making them more aware.

Cargo and Fuel Theft 

Starting with the oldest truck parking scam of them all, cargo and fuel theft at unsecured parking locations is a common issue in the trucking industry, mostly occurring when trucks are parked in isolated or poorly monitored areas. Thieves usually strike at night or during weekends when there is less general activity, when they will siphon fuel or break into cargo spaces to steal valuable goods. 

The impact of trucker driver scams like this is not only financial but also includes the loss of time and resources in dealing with the aftermath. The frequency of these incidents has been on the rise over the last few years – probably owing to higher unemployment rates and a poor economy – although many drivers report multiple instances of theft over their careers. 

Fake Repair Shops or Towing Businesses

a tow truck on a highway

Your truck grinds to a halt on a lonely highway, and you are seemingly stranded. Good fortune is on your side as a tow truck appears and offers to “have a quick look.” Unable to find the issue, they will offer to tow your truck to the shop – where they will proceed to charge exorbitant fees for the towing. In some cases, they even charge for services that were never performed. 

The scam is two-fold: in the worst case, scammers may have tampered with your truck at the last unsecured truck stop – knowing you will break down within an hour or so – all while they maintain distance a few kilometers behind, waiting to pounce as soon as your rig fails. Either that, or they simply drive around keeping one eye open for a broken-down truck. When it comes to the crunch, it’s your word against theirs – and they have your truck. 

Predatory Towing

In a similar vein to the aforementioned truck parking scam, watch out for ‘predatory towing’ scammers who circle private parking lots looking for unscrupulous victims. They will have your rig hooked up onto the tow truck in minutes – and then demand extortionate fees to release it – while referring you to a “NO PARKING PRIVATE LOT” sign that has magically appeared on the lot wall. 

Advanced Payment Scams

Advanced payment scams involve fraudsters creating fake listings for truck parking spaces. They advertise these non-existent spots online or via direct communication, convincing truckers to pay in advance for the reservation. 

Once the payment is made, the scammer disappears, and the driver is left out of pocket with no parking space. These scams prey on the current high demand for truck parking, especially in areas where parking is scarce.

Fake Gold

A new scam has been doing the rounds lately involving hawkers who will approach your cab clutching a fistful of gold jewelry for sale at a bargain price. They had planned to pawn the gold, apparently, but with a busy schedule and zero parking options close to the pawn shop, they were unable to do so. Desperate for fast cash, they are willing to sell them to you at a very attractive rate, however.

Obviously, they are not truck drivers, and of course, the gold isn’t real. You probably don’t need us to tell you this, but if you do stumble upon a gold bargain at a truck stop, don’t get sucked in. It’s a scam. 

Choose Your Parking Wisely

You can avoid all of these scams by using Truck Parking Club to find convenient, private truck parking spaces far away from the fraudsters, scammers, and other shady characters that often linger around truck stops and rest areas.

What’s more, we always have room. The days of endlessly circling lots looking for spaces can be a thing of the past if you book a truck parking spot with us. Through our network of property members all over America, we have thousands of spaces available in more secure, convenient, private lots. 

Sign up with Truck Parking Club today… our service is convenient and easy to book, with not a sketchy tow truck company, fuel thief, or gold hustler in sight!

The information published herein is for general informational purposes only. Truck Parking Club does not make any representations or warranties about the completeness, reliability, legality, and accuracy of this information. Any reliance placed on such material is strictly at the user’s own risk. Truck Parking Club shall not be responsible for any losses or damages incurred in connection with the information published herein.