How Seasonal Trends Shape Truck Parking Demand

Empty road during the winter

Throughout the year, there’s always a degree of demand for semi-truck parking. However, there’s a significant variation in how much demand there is in different parts of the year. Below, we’ll take a closer look at how seasonality affects the demand for truck parking.

Is Trucking Seasonal?

To a certain degree, trucking is seasonal. Before looking at the peaks and low points of the trucking industry, let’s discuss how and why trucking is seasonal.

Throughout the year, there are different aspects that may affect the demand for trucking and, therefore, semi-truck parking. Some of the different factors that may have an influence include the following:

  • Weather conditions – In certain areas, like Alaska, extreme weather conditions may affect the demand for trucking. Typically, during the harsh winters, the demand for truck parking will be lower as many roads are impassable.
  • Industry demand – In many industries, industry demand is highest during particular seasons and lower or non-existent in other seasons.
  • Holidays – In certain industries, various holidays and feast days can have a significant effect. In some of them, several weeks or months around certain holidays may be accompanied by low demand.

Semi-Truck Parking Demand Cheat Sheet

We’ll discuss the seasonality of trucking (and truck parking) as well as the reasoning behind it, in just a moment. For now, here’s a cheat sheet in case you’re in a hurry.

SeasonSemi-truck Parking Demand
Winter (January-March)Low
Spring (April- June) Average
Summer (July-September)High
Fall (October-December)Very High

Noteworthy Trucking Seasonality

There are several different ways that you can look at the seasonality of semi-truck parking. But one significant way is in terms of the peak months and the low-volume months.

Let’s take a closer look at which months show generally higher demand for truck drivers and which tend to be low-demand.

January to March

From January to March is generally the season with the lowest demand for trucking services. Naturally, this also translates to a lower demand for truck parking.

There are several reasons for this, including the following:

  • Post-Holiday Inventory Adjustments – In preparation for the peak season, which is in November and December, many companies and businesses order a large amount of stock and supplies. After the festive season, from January to March, businesses take the time to evaluate and adjust their inventory again.
  • Weather – In many places, the first three months of the year are the coldest months. Thanks to the accompanying snow, ice, and unpleasant driving conditions, places may delay non-urgent orders till later. Otherwise, inclement weather can cause severe disruptions and lead to less truck traffic on the road.
  • Harvest Season – Specifically for truck companies transporting produce, these three months lie outside the harvest season, meaning there’s nothing to transport.

This is the time when you’re likely to do the least and see the least demand for semi-truck parking. However, most trucking companies work it so that all their drivers get a chance to drive.

April to June

These three months demonstrate a fairly standard level of demand. They’re not the most demanding months, but nor are they as quiet as the preceding three. This is the time of year when truck drivers can look forward to easing back into their schedules.

Some of the factors affecting demand during this time include:

  • Harvest Season for Early Crops – Unlike the winter months, the spring season will manifest in the harvesting of fast-producing and early crops. During this time, drivers may expect to carry early-season and fast-growing veg like leafy greens and beans.
  • Equalized Inventories – At this point, most businesses have adjusted their inventories and know exactly what they need. They’re starting to buy standard and seasonal items in moderate amounts.
  • Comfortable Weather – The roads are mostly ice-free in the spring season, allowing for free transportation of items. Most weather-induced disruptions and delays are a thing of the past.

During this season, you’ll see increased demand for semi-truck parking. However, it won’t be too high. You’ll also earn better money than during winter.

July to September

During these three months, truck drivers go through the start of their peak season. This is one of the times when you’ll likely earn the best.

Some of the reasons for the rise in demand include:

  • Preparation to Return to School – Many outfitters are ordering in school supplies as parents and college students prepare to return to their studies.
  • Stock Hoarding for the Festive Season – Although it’s still early in the year, many retailers start stockpiling for the festive season from August to September. That way, they ensure that they’re ready for the season.

This season is both advantageous and stressful for truckers. For one, there’s the opportunity to maximize earnings in preparation for the quiet season. However, the demand for semi-truck parking is high, and this season can be stressful.

October to December

These three months are, without a doubt, the busiest part of the truck driver’s year. During this time, the demand for semi-truck parking is ludicrous, with most truck drivers earning some of their highest fees for the year.

The winter season is the least demanding for truckers

This is largely due to merchants buying in last-minute stock or trying to sell large amounts of merchandise quickly during the festive season. Many temperate fruits also come into season in the fall months, adding agricultural burdens to the list. Finally, most carriers are trying to find high-value loads to carry as a bonus before the quiet season rolls around.

Don’t Succumb to the Pressures of Peak Season: Try Truck Parking Club

Whether it’s the quiet season or the peak season, Truck Parking Club never sleeps. Thanks to our unique approach that connects property owners and truck drivers, you have access to year-round semi-truck parking with us. 

Simply register for a free account, select parking in the area where you’ll need to rest, and make your booking. You’ll have access to hundreds of parking spots that aren’t generally available to truck drivers, and account sign-up is free and easy.

Don’t wait till the peak season is upon you

Join Truck Parking Club Today

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