Trump’s New VP Supports Truck Parking, Opposes Speed Limiters

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Former President Donald Trump, well known for his strong support of the wider trucking industry, particularly owner-operators, has announced his running mate for the upcoming election. 

Ohio Republican Senator J.D. Vance, selected as Trump’s vice-presidential candidate at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, has a record of supporting key legislative priorities for truck drivers.

Support for Truck Parking

Senator Vance is a co-sponsor of the Truck Parking Improvement Act. This legislation allocates $755 million in grant money over the next three years, specifically for the expansion of truck parking. This act is seen as a significant step toward addressing the chronic shortage of truck parking spaces, a critical issue for drivers who need safe and accessible places to rest.

Opposition to Speed Limiting Devices

In addition to supporting truck parking initiatives, Vance is a co-sponsor of the DRIVE Act. This bill seeks to prohibit the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) from mandating speed-limiting devices on trucks. 

The proposed rule, scheduled for May 2025, has been highly controversial within the trucking community. Many drivers and industry representatives argue that speed limiters could pose safety risks and operational challenges.

OOIDA’s Perspective

George O’Connor, a spokesperson for the Owner-Operator Independent Truck Drivers Association (OOIDA), expressed approval of Vance’s legislative efforts. “We’re a non-partisan organization, but unabashedly pro-trucker,” O’Connor told reporters. “We’ll work with anyone and everyone who supports our members’ priorities, regardless of party affiliation. It’s helpful to have someone advising the President with a proven pro-trucker legislative record.”

Broader Political Stance

Vance’s political views often align with populist conservatism, sometimes diverging from traditional Republican stances. He has supported a Rail Safety Bill championed by Democrats in Congress, spurred by the Norfolk Southern train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. At the same time, Vance advocates for repealing tax incentives for electric vehicles, including those intended for commercial trucks.

Historical Context

Trump has a history of rallying support among owner-operators. In May 2020, truck drivers protesting broker practices caught Trump’s attention during a weeks-long demonstration along Constitution Avenue in Washington. Drivers accused brokers of unfairly lowering rates and exploiting the market conditions during the early stages of the pandemic. Brokers, however, argued that the lack of freight was the root cause of the reduced rates, not their practices.

Bottom Line

With Vance on the ticket, Trump aims to solidify his appeal to the trucking industry by supporting legislative measures that address truckers’ critical issues. Vance’s involvement in key bills reflects a commitment to improving conditions for truck drivers, ensuring they have the resources and protections necessary to perform their vital role in the economy.

As these legislative efforts continue to develop, truck drivers may find it increasingly beneficial to explore new solutions for their parking needs. Tools like Truck Parking Club can offer practical assistance in finding available, convenient truck parking spots helping drivers stay safe and compliant on the road.

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