Can I Park My Truck at a Walmart Parking Lot?

walmart shopping cart next to the parking

If you are looking for a simple yes or no answer to the question, “Can I park my truck at Walmart?” prepare for disappointment, because there really isn’t one.

The only answer we can give you is “maybe… it depends.”

Almost by tradition, Walmart truck parking was absolutely fine in the vast majority of stores, and drivers were embraced with metaphorical open arms.

But various things changed. New ordinance laws in certain states made truck parking at Walmart ambiguous. Rising RV parking, along with a new wave of “van lifers” parking at stores everywhere, contributed to an increase in numbers. Some stores began leasing land from property management companies, which had their own parking policies. Slowly, the tide turned with the Walmart truck parking tradition.

Historically, truck parking at most Walmarts used to be a couple of tired drivers settling down for the evening, but in more recent years, it has evolved into relatively high numbers. As a result, the company began to tighten up.

Slowly but surely, the tradition of semi-truck parking at Walmart is phasing out, and now, it is hit-and-miss whether you are allowed to park there or not.

Call Ahead

The rules are different from store to store and manager to manager. Some allow it, but local ordinance laws prevent it. Other stores have a policy where truck parking at Walmart is generally permissible, but the manager on duty may be against it – or vice versa.

Regional factors also play a part. For example, many of the larger stores do not allow it anymore, while most of the smaller ‘out of town’ stores couldn’t care less either way. Some Walmart store managers actually sympathize with truck drivers, greeting them with a friendly wave and a cheery smile, while others, quite unfairly, treat truckers as something of a nuisance.

As a truck driver, your only option is to call ahead and enquire. Just Google the number and ask. With so much ambiguity, that is your only sensible option, really. 

Walmart Parking Tips

If you absolutely insist on truck parking at Walmart, we at least ask that you follow these pointers. Most of them are for your own safety. 

Do not park at an urban Walmart for the evening. Inner-city Walmarts might look relatively appealing at 7 p.m., but when a few sketchy characters make an appearance in the early hours, you will regret your earlier decision to park there – probably at the precise moment you are handing over your watch, wallet, and phone. 

Throw a few items in a cart and ask for the manager. With your most charming smile, ask them if you can park for the night. They will appreciate you asking, and may pretend they didn’t notice the gigantic 80-foot-long mega-rig you parked directly outside. If that doesn’t work, at least you have a bag of munchies for later. Every cloud, as they say.

Do not leave your truck unattended for too long. It’s not like you are going to wander off for a joyful two-hour stroll along the local highway, but if you do decide to leave your rig, be quick about it. Tow truck companies and criminals are never more than five minutes away in any State, and an unattended truck would be their catch of the day.

Why Put Yourself Through the Hassle?

There are far better options these days, and If you are considering Walmart truck parking, we suspect you are unaware of Truck Parking Club.

We get it, though. Our truckers are in a tough position right now. With limited parking spaces and more new OTR truckers joining the industry, parking continues to be a serious problem. 

Parking on off-ramps, residential streets, and Walmarts is highly inadvisable, but we understand why so many drivers are doing so. The fact is, truckers have had very few parking options for a number of years now.

Convenient and  Comfortable Parking 

But those days are over, with a new era of quiet, easy-to-book, and great-value parking spots through Truck Parking Club. It’s the way forward for truckers. Really. 

Read on to find out how Truck Parking Club can help you, our fellow truckers, say goodbye to the days of unsafe, haphazard, and downright sketchy parking.

How It Works

Truck Parking Club has teamed up with commercial landowners all over the States to bring you great parking options. 

The service is simple: property owners advertise their spare land – usually in secure perimeters with amenities – for truckers everywhere to rent for the evening. It’s simple and incredibly straightforward.

Step One:

Jump online and create an account (it takes under a minute). You will then see an entire list of safe, comfortable parking spots, most of which offer various amenities. Search by location to find your ideal spot.

Step Two:

View and book spaces in real-time (or up to one month in advance). Your days of endlessly circling parking lots are a thing of the past. Congratulations – you are now part of the Truck Parking Club revolution.

Step Three:

Once you’ve booked, chat with your host through the app (if you wish to) about any specifics regarding your parking. Our team is just one call away to assist you if needed. 

Step Four:
Head to your secure truck parking spot. Park. Eat. Rest. Sleep like the proverbial baby. You are now safe, comfortable, and the whole process was effortless. 

That’s all there is to it. We didn’t just revolutionize trucker parking. We made the whole thing joyfully simple, too. 

Register Now

If you haven’t tried Truck Parking Club yet, we hope to see you soon. There are very good reasons why thousands of truckers use our service. 

It’s convenient. The booking process is a breeze. There are safe and secure spots all over the country, and we made sure it was affordable. Truckers have enough overheads to deal with – the last thing you need is expensive parking. We wouldn’t do that to you. 

So come along and rest comfortably with Truck Parking Club. Not to toot our own horn, but we really are a massive breath of fresh air for truckers!
Landowners… Happen to have some spare land on your commercial property? Think you can help our nation’s truckers? Join Truck Parking Club and become part of the solution today!

The information published herein is for general informational purposes only. Truck Parking Club does not make any representations or warranties about the completeness, reliability, legality, and accuracy of this information. Any reliance placed on such material is strictly at the user’s own risk. Truck Parking Club shall not be responsible for any losses or damages incurred in connection with the information published herein.